Mission 13

We’re saving the world’s smallest bear


We are implementing a new rewilding method and help an orphaned sun bear to find its way back into the wild.

The Mission

Sun bear cubs are the smallest bear species in the world, native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. With possibly only 2,000 sun bears left in the wild, they’re facing existential threats from all sides. But what makes their conservation so difficult is that sun bear cubs need a mother to grow up and survive in the wild.

Meet Tenom, a little sun bear cub that was orphaned and snatched from the wild by poachers. Luckily, just before she was sold, she was rescued by our partner, the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre. They set up camp in the Bornean rainforest to raise her and release her back to the wild. To make sure Tenom can survive the wild, they’re creating a human foster family that will guide her just like a bear mother would. If successful, this method allows other bear orphans to make their way back into the wild and gives hope to the entire species.

Mission Video

Impact Update - Year one


Total invested

Already achieved

Setup a sun bear rewilding camp in the rainforest
Launched 2-year soft release program

Ideal outcome

Return of Tenom to her natural environment
Further establishing the soft release method
Increase the number of wild bears in Borneo

Our Partner

Dr. Wong Siew Te

Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC)

Dr. Wong Siew Te is the founder of the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Sandakan. He received his diploma in Animal Science & Veterinary in Taiwan, and studied Wildlife Biology in Montana. For his work on sun bear conservation, Dr. Wong has been recognized as a wildlife hero and honoured with awards from various universities and the government. Having seen the dire conditions of too many sun bears living in captivity, Dr. Wong made it his life's work to save this vulnerable species.


Mission publish date
March 15, 2024
A bison wearing sunglasses

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